Congrats!(?) You're the King of Evil! You're intelligent, although most people just see you as being nasty and cruel. You admire people that stand up to you, but then have to prove your superiority. Power is what you value most and you'll do anything it takes to get what you want. Smart people fear you.
hehe... "King of Evil" :mrgreen:

Congrats! You're the ranch girl! You have a magnetic personality and know the meaning of hard work. You always have a smile on your face, despite whatever troubles are in the back of your mind. A lover of animals, you can't stand to see them abused. You often put others' needs before your own to ensure their happiness.

Congrats! You're the Sage of Forest! You appear cute and innocent, but are wise beyond your years. You're very caring and always try to befriend or stick up for those that are outcasts. Music and nature are precious to you and you enjoy both greatly.